Santander Installments / Financing
Santander Installments / Financing is offered in cooperation with Santander Consumer Bank. The customer has the option of paying back with maturities between 3 and 180 months. If you have setup Santander on the Payment Methods page in the Billwerk+ administration, the payment option will automatically be presented in Billwerk+ Checkout.
Currently, Santander Installments / Financing supports the countries and currencies Denmark (DKK), Norway (NOK), Sweden (SEK) and Finland (EUR).
Santander will only be presented in Billwerk+ Checkout when:
- Currency of Santander agreement and country of customer are matching and
- The amounts are between:
- 2.000 DKK up to 100,000 DKK
- 300 EUR up to 7500 EUR
- 1990 NOK up to 50.000 NOK
- 540 SEK up to 100.000 SEK
Only Window Checkout supports Santander Installments / Financing
Notice that when using Santander Installments / Financing with Embedded Checkout and Modal Checkout, returning from Santander will result in a full redirect to Billwerk+ Checkout.
Instant settle not supported
Notice that when using Santander Installments / Financing with with the settle flag set to
will have no affect on the invoice since Santander does not support instant settle. Invoice will instead be in stateauthorized
and needs to be manually settled.
Updated 7 months ago