Payout Resource

The core of this functionality revolves around the Payout Resource. This resource enables you to create payouts to saved credit cards without the need for a previously settled charge.

However, it is essential to have a card acquiring agreement in place that can handle such payouts.

Below, we describe the various components of the Payout Resource.

Payout Object

The Payout Object is structured as follows:

HandleString • RequiredA unique reference for each payout, specific to your Billwerk+ account.

The handle should be a maximum of 255 characters and is recommended to be kept within 20 characters for reference on bank statements without truncation.
State String • RequiredThis indicates the current state of the payout, which can be one of the following:
- Created
- Processing
- Failed
- Paid
AmountInteger • RequiredThe payout amount, measured in the smallest currency unit.
CurrencyString • OptionalAn optional field that specifies the currency for the payout in ISO 4217 three-letter alpha code.
TextString • OptionalOptional text associated with the payout.
CustomerString • RequiredCustomer handle associated with the payout.
PaidString • OptionalThe timestamp indicating when the payout was successfully paid in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format.
FailedString • OptionalThe timestamp indicating when the payout failed in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format.
CreatedString • RequiredThe timestamp indicating when the payout was initially created in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format.
TransactionsArray of PayoutTransaction • RequiredA list of transactions related to the payout.

Payout Transaction

The PayoutTransaction is a component of the Payout Object and contains detailed information about each transaction.

It includes:

IDStringA unique identifier for the transaction.
StateStringThe state of the transaction, which can be paid.
PayoutStringReference to the associated payout.
AmountIntegerThe amount of the transaction.
PaidStringThe timestamp indicating when the payout was successfully paid in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format.
FailedStringThe timestamp indicating when the payout failed in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format.
CardObjectDetailed information about the card used in the transaction, including its state, customer, reference, and more.
ErrorStringDescription of any error encountered during the transaction.
Card TypeStringThe type of card used, e.g., hard_declined.
Exp DateStringThe card's expiration date.
Masked CardStringA partially masked version of the card number.
Acquirer CodeStringThe acquirer code associated with the transaction.
Acquirer MessageStringA message from the acquirer, e.g., Card expired.
Acquirer ReferenceStringAn optional reference for the transaction at the acquirer.
Text on StatementStringOptional text to appear on the customer's bank statement.