Before you begin
Before you can begin accepting live payments in your web shops, you need to follow these two steps:
- Get a Billwerk+ account.
- Get an acquirer agreement.
💚 1. Get a Billwerk+ account
You can create an account online here.
The account is free and in a test mode, so you can take your time to run tests, before going live.
Details on how to test, can be found here.
📄 2. Get an acquirer agreement
Before you can start accepting live payments, you need an agreement with an acquirer.
Learn more about Acquiring agreements in our Help Center.
An acquirer can accept payments from your customers and will periodically pay out the sum to your bank account. Billwerk+ Optimize supports a number of acquirers, the most popular being:
- Billwerk+ Payments (VISA, MasterCard),
- Clearhaus (VISA, MasterCard),
- Nets (Dankort, VISA, MasterCard).
A complete list of the acquirers Billwerk+ Optimize supports, can be found on our home page - Acquiring Service.
If you need help in deciding which acquirer is the right choice for you, do not hesitate to contact our Billwerk+ Optimize Support team.
Updated 10 months ago