Create subscription with Add-Ons

A subscription can optionally be created with a number of subscription Add-Ons. In this case, we create a subscription for an existing customer by using the parameter customer. A subscription and customer can also be created in one atomic call by using the parameter create_customer.

To create subscription, Add-Ons for a subscription a number of Create subscription with Add-Ons objects must be provided.

Please find an example below:

curl -X POST "" -u "priv_dbd002cf1313cb4213efcfb3afebfb66:" \
  -H  "Accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
    "handle": "leasing_00425",
    "plan": "leasing_gold",
    "signup_method": "email",
    "customer": "cust-0059",
    "add_ons": [
        "add_on": "super_laptop_x2",
        "handle": "sn764654216"   
        "add_on": "extended_laptop_support",
        "quantity": 1


  "handle": "leasing_00425",
  "customer": "cust-0059",
  "plan": "leasing_gold",
  "state": "active",
  "subscription_add_ons": [

When creating a subscription Add-On, the following can be defined:

  • Add_On: · The Add-On for this subscription Add-On.
  • Handle: · This is an optional reference that can be provided if a reference to the specific subscription Add-On is required. In this use-case, the laptop serial number is used, as this allows looking up subscriptions involving the specific laptop. If no handle is provided, the Add-On handle is used. As a handle must be unique, this means that only one instance of each Add-On can be attached to a subscription, in the case a custom handle is not provided.
  • Quantity: · For quantity type Add-Ons, it is possible to define a quantity of the Add-On for the subscription. The default is 1.
  • Fixed_amount: · By default, the subscription Add-On has a fixed amount. This means that the amount is defined for the subscription Add-On at creation, either by the Add-On amount or using the amount parameter to define a custom fixed amount.
    If the amount on the Add-On is changed later, it does not affect the subscription Add-Ons tied to this Add-On.
    If fixed_amount is set to false, the pricing for the subscription add-on follows the Add-On amount. This can be used in a consumable scenario where the price for the subscription add-on is the price of the add-on at billing time.