IconStyle class
class consists of following parameters.
Parameters Optional
Parameter | Type | Description |
color | String | HEX value color of icon |
position | ReepayCheckoutSheet.HorizontalPosition | Horizontal position of icon in button: .left | .center | .right |
padding | CGFloat | Padding around icon |
size | CGSize | Width and Height of icon |
bundleIdentifier | String? | Location of UIImage bundle resources |
name | String? | UIImage name of icon |
var buttonStyle = ButtonStyle(type: .icon)
var iconStyle = IconStyle()
iconStyle.bundleIdentifier = "com.reepay.ReepayCheckoutExample"
iconStyle.name = "octagon-xmark"
iconStyle.color = "700000"
iconStyle.position = .right
iconStyle.size = CGSize(width: 25, height: 25)
buttonStyle.iconStyle = iconStyle
Updated 9 months ago
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