Transaction Errors

For requests that involves transaction processing the error response will contain a transaction state and error. The transaction state is a high-level categorization of the error with three categories:

Transaction stateDescription
hard_declinedIrrecoverable payment method errors. The payment method is declined and future attempts will fail.
soft_declinedPossible recoverable errors. The payment method or settle of authorization is declined but future attempts may succeed. E.g. insufficient funds on card.
processing_errorErrors in the processing chain from Billwerk+Optimize to the acquirer not related to the payment method.

The transaction error will have a more detailed indication of the decline or processing error. Notice that in many cases only limited information is given from payment provider, e.g. card issuer, on the reason for the decline.

Transaction errorDescription
insufficient_fundsValid payment method but insufficient funds to complete transaction. Ususally a soft decline.
settle_blockedSettle of authorization blocked. Ususally a soft decline.
credit_card_expiredCredit card expired
declined_by_acquirerTransaction declined by payment provider for some reason
credit_card_lost_or_stolenCredit card lost or stolen
credit_card_suspected_fraudCredit card suspected fraud
refund_amount_too_highThe tried refund amount is too high
authorization_expiredSettle failed because the authorization has expired
authorization_amount_exceededSettle failed because requested amount exceeded authorized amount
authorization_voidedSettle failed because authorization has been voided
sca_requiredTransaction declined by payment provider because strong customer authentication (e.g. 3D Secure) is required
risk_filter_blockTransaction was declined by a Billwerk+Optimize Risk Filter rule
fraud_blockTransaction was declined by Billwerk+Optimize Fraud Detector
emv_token_deletedEMV token deleted by issuer - cannot be active again
emv_token_suspendedEMV token suspended by issuer - might be activated again
acquirer_communication_errorCommunication with payment provider failed
acquirer_errorError at the payment provider
acquirer_integration_errorThere is an error in the integration to the payment provider
acquirer_authentication_errorProvided authentication credentials are not valid
acquirer_configuration_errorError in the configuration of the payment provider or payment gateway account
acquirer_rejected_errorPayment provider rejected this specific transaction. E.g. amount too low or too high.