For an account a number of dunning plans can be configured. An account must have at least one dunning plan. One of the dunning plans must be defined as the default dunning plan.
A dunning plan is a plan for the dunning process an invoice goes into if the settlement of an invoice fails. A dunning plan consists of a schedule as a list of intervals in days, and a final action for the subscription if the dunning process fails. The final action is either to do nothing, or to expire the subscription.
The dunning process proceeds as follows:
- When an invoice is failing the dunning process is started by sending a notification to the customer
- Wait for the number of days defined by the first entry of the schedule
- Send next notification and wait the number of days defined by the second entry of the schedule
- Continue in same manner until reaching the end of schedule
- At the end of the schedule a notification is not sent, instead the final action is taken
For a schedule with only one interval a single notification is sent followed by a wait and then the final action is taken if the invoice is not settled before the interval end. If an empty schedule is used, no notification is sent and the final action is taken immediately.