Delete Subscription Usage-based Billing Product

Remove a usage-based billing product from a subscription

This endpoint allows you to remove a usage-based billing product from a subscription. When deleting a subscription usage-based billing product, you must specify an unbilled usage strategy to determine how existing usage records will be handled.

Unbilled Usage Strategies

When deleting a subscription usage-based billing product, you must select one of the following unbilled usage strategies:


    • All reported usage records will be deleted.
    • These records will not be billed at the end of the current billing cycle.

    • All reported usage records will be retained.
    • These records will be billed in the next billing cycle, even though the subscription usage-based billing product has been deleted.

Important Considerations

  • Choose the unbilled usage strategy carefully, as it directly affects how customers will be billed for their existing usage.
  • The WRITE_OFF strategy may be suitable when you want to discontinue billing for a product immediately.
  • The NEXT_BILLING_CYCLE strategy allows you to bill for existing usage one last time before discontinuing the product.

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