
Testing different scenarios in Billwerk+Optimize can be done using our Test Payment Gateway and a number of test cards. The test cards are fixed but a number of predefined CVV codes and amounts can be used to trigger different scenarios. Any expiration date can be used as long as it is the current month or in the future.

Test cards

Visavisa4111 1111 1111 1111
Visa-DKvisa_dk4571 9940 0006 2336
Dankortdankort5019 1000 0000 0006
Visa Electronvisa_elec4026 1111 1111 1115
Mastercardmc5500 0000 0000 0004
American Expressamex3400 000000 00009
JCBjcb3530 1113 3330 0000
Maestromaestro6759 0000 0000 0000
Dinersdiners3000 0000 0000 04
Discoverdiscover6011 1111 1111 1117
China Union Paychina_union_pay6240 0086 3140 1148
Forbrugsforeningenffk6007 2200 0000 0004

Recurring token create errors

Errors in the authorization process of adding a recurring card payment method can triggered by the following CVV codes. To trigger additional errors for one-time charging see "Charging errors" below.

001The credit card is declined with due to credit card expired
002The credit card is declined by the acquirer
003The credit card is declined due to insufficient funds
004The authorization is declined due to errors at the acquirer
005The authorization is declined due to communication problems with the acquirer
006The authorization is declined due to communication problems with the acquirer (60 second processing time)

Subsequent subscription billing errors

All CVV codes, except the ones above, will result in a successful card authorization. The CVV codes below can be used to trigger different scenarios for subsequent payments. Declines are separated into recoverable and irrecoverable declines. Irrecoverable declines indicates that a payment will never be possible for the card again, e.g. an expired or blocked card. Recoverable declines indicates that successful payments for the card could be possible in the future. This could for example be due to insufficient funds. Billwerk+Optimize will start dunning for recoverable declines, but will regularly try to process payments using the card, as long as a new payment method has not been added.

100The first payment is declined with an irrecoverable error (credit card expired)
101The first payment is declined with an irrecoverable error (declined by acquirer)
102The first payment is declined with an recoverable error (insufficient funds)
200The second payment is declined with an irrecoverable error (credit card expired)
201The second payment is declined with an irrecoverable error (declined by acquirer)
202The second payment is declined with an recoverable error (insufficient funds)
300With a probability of 50% the payment is declined with an irrecoverable error (credit card expired)
301With a probability of 50% the payment is declined with an irrecoverable error (declined by acquirer)
302With a probability of 50% the payment is declined with an recoverable error (insufficient funds)

Charging errors

To trigger errors in the process of creating charges and settling authorized charges the cvv 888 can be used in combination with a number of amounts. E.g. a successful authorization can be performed and then a specific amount can be used for the settlement that will result in an error. To trigger the scenarios when charging a saved card the card should be saved with cvv 888. The table below shows the amounts to be used with cvv 888 to trigger errors.

AmountError stateError code
1337hard_declinedsca_required (Error for non-SCA payments to mimic PSD2 behaviour)

Payout errors

Payout errors can be triggered by performing payout on cards created with the following CVV codes.

501The credit card is declined with due to credit card expired
502The credit card is declined by the acquirer
503The credit card is declined due to insufficient funds
504The authorization is declined due to errors at the acquirer
505The authorization is declined due to communication problems with the acquirer
506The authorization is declined due to communication problems with the acquirer (60 second processing time)

Test data retention

Old test data will automatically be deleted by Billwerk+Optimize. Customers, and all customer releated data e.g. subscriptions and invoices, will be deleted for customers created more than three months ago.

Mail sending limits

For test accounts there is a limit of 100 mails per day. In addition, there is a limit of 10 unique recipients. Mails passing threshold will still be created and shown for invoice and subscriptions, but with a "not allowed" state.

Resending and preview functionality for test accounts are limited to 10 requests per day.