Change subscription

Plan, add-ons, amount and plan quantity can be changed either immediately or at next renewal. Typically upgrades will be done immediate and downgrades at next renewal.

A pending change at renewal will be reflected in the pending_change object on the subscription. An immediate change will cancel the pending change and a new change at renewal will replace the previous one.

To change subscription add-ons a list of subscription add-on handles to remove can be provided and a list of CreateSubscriptionAddOn objects can be provided to attach new subscription add-ons. A subscription add-on cannot be updated, but instead a remove and an attach of the same add-on can be performed. To only change add-ons immediately without any compensation or new billing, a change with add-on parameters and compensation_method=none and billing=none can be performed. An example on the use of add-ons can be found here.


The operation can generate the following errors beside the generic HTTP error codes described here.

Error code HTTP codeDescription
12404Subscription not found
11400Duplicate handle - Subscription add-on handle already used or multiple occurences of same handle in request
13400Subscription expired, must be actice or on-hold (only if not immedidate change)
95400Subscription on-hold and immediate change requested
64400Refund compensation is used but the current billing period invoice is not in required state settled
65400Refund compensation is used but the refund amount exceeds the refundable amount on the current billing period invoice. The refundable amount is the setlled invoice amount minus already refunded and credited amounts.
82400Credit compensation is used but the current billing period invoice is not in required state pending, dunning or settled
120400Credit compensation is used but credit amount exceeds the creditable amount on the current billing period invoice. The creditable amount is the invoice amount minus already refunded and credited amount.
22400Subscription cancelled
10404Subscription plan to change to not found
117 404 Subscription add-on to remove not found
113 404Add-on to add not found
114400Add-on already added to subscription or multiple occurences of same add-on in request without explicit unique subscription add-on handle
11400Duplicate subscription add-on handle
116 400Add-on to add not eligible for the subscription plan
115400Quantity provided for an on-off add-on
37400A new start date has been provided that is too far in the past
66500The refund compensation failed because of error at the acquirer. See transaction_error See transaction errors.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!