Get Usage-based Billing Product

Retrieve details of a specific usage-based billing product

This endpoint allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific usage-based billing product using either its unique ID or handle.


You can use this endpoint to:

  1. Fetch the current configuration of a usage-based billing product
  2. Verify the pricing model and usage ranges
  3. Check the units of measurement and other product-specific details

Request Parameters

  • id or handle: Provide either the unique ID or the handle of the usage-based billing product you want to retrieve.


The response will include all the details of the requested usage-based billing product, including:

  • Product ID and handle
  • Name and description
  • Pricing model (e.g., price per unit, price per unit step, price per tier, price per tier step, percentage, or percentage-step)
  • Usage ranges and corresponding prices or percentages
  • Units of measurement

Related Endpoints

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