Create payout

The response is a HTTP 200 if the request is understood and processed by Billwerk+Optimize, but not necessarily with success. The HTTP status code relates to the communication with Billwerk+Optimize and Billwerk+Optimizes ability to process the request, not the result of the payout. The result of the payout operation should be determined from the state parameter which will be paid, failed or processing (only asynchronous payment methods). The error state and error reason can be found in error_state and error parameters of the latest payout transaction.

Error handling if a payout operation fails is important, as this is a money carrying operation.

Communication error (no HTTP respoonse)
or HTTP server error 5xx
Retry operation immediately or later. Retry is important as the refund operation can actually have gone through so money has been moved.
HTTP client error 4xxCheck your implementation.
Other non 200 HTTP responseSomething is wrong. Handle as for communication error and contact Billwerk+Optimize if the problem persists.
state = paidSuccess
state = processingSuccess - The payment type has asynchronous payouts. The result of the refund will be deliverd in webhook.
error_state = hard_declinedThe refund operation has been declined by acquirer or issuer. No further attempts with same arguments will succeed.
error_state = processing_errorA processing error can happen if something goes wrong at, or in between, any of the parties involved in a transaction. A processing error can potentially have resulted in an approved payout, but the result never reaches Billwerk+Optimize. E.g. a timeout somewhere in the chain. Processing errors leading to transactions actually having been completed without knowing the result is frustrating, but luckily quite rare.

We recommend to retry later on a processing error, but only a few times.


The operation can generate the following errors beside the generic HTTP error codes described here.

Error code HTTP codeDescription
40404Payment method not found
135400Payment method not allowed for payout
136400Customer cannot be changed for payout attempt on previously failed payout
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!